The Battle of the Five Armies!


It’s been announced that the final film in The Hobbit trilogy will be named ‘The Battle of the Five armies’. If you’ve read the book then you’ll know why its called that, for those of you that don’t know the Five armies are Dwarves, Men, Elves, Orcs and wargs(wolves). So just to give you a heads up the battle scenes in this film should be amazing!

Gimli Character Bio


Gimli Character Bio

A proud and strong-willed people, the Dwarves of Middle-earth were great craftsfolk, skilled in the arts of smithing and metallurgy. When Frodo is appointed his quest, Gimli the Dwarf represents his people as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. Gimli is a mighty warrior, quick to draw his broad axes in battle. Not given to subtlety, he wears his passions plainly for all to see. Yet for all his impulsiveness, Gimli is none the less loyal and noble in spirit. Once committed, his resolve to the success of the quest is unshakable.

Samwise Gamgee Character Bio


Samwise Gamgee Character Bio

The loyal friend and gardener of Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee is a stout hearted Hobbit. Though simple in outlook, he is dependable and brave. When Gandalf chooses him to accompany Frodo on his quest, Sam makes a simple promise not to lose his master and friend. To that task he held true, following Frodo as his unshakable companion even into the desolate, ashen waists of Mordor and almost certain death

Aragorn Character Bio


Aragorn Character Bio

A descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men, Aragorn is fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor. Aragorn is a mighty warrior, wielding his blade with great adeptness in defense of Helm’s Deep. He fights with passion and bravery, but also with wisdom, which earns him the respect and admiration of Théoden, King of the Rohirrim. In The Return of the King, he will face several challenges that will determine the fate of Middle-earth.

Frodo Baggins Character Bio


Frodo Baggins Character Bio

Frodo is a most unlikely hero. A Hobbit, small and quiet, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo becomes the bearer of the One Ring when it is left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else can, and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge will lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he trods the perilous path to Mordor from whence the One Ring came.